Lexia’s products are evidence-based and designed from the best literacy and language research available, such as the science of reading and Structured Literacy. While many of our competitors can claim their products are research-based, Lexia puts in the extra time and effort to ensure our programs are both research-based and evidence-based.
Core5 Body of Evidence
Acceleration for All
Lexia® Core5® Reading is an adaptive blended learning program that accelerates the development of literacy skills for students of all abilities, helping them make that critical shift from learning to read to reading to learn. Core5 is one of the most heavily researched literacy programs on the market. It is associated with impressive student gains — progress in Core5 is highly correlated with achieving proficiency in reading assessments across grade levels.
Progress correlates to reading achievement
Research shows strong associations between students' progression through Core5 and achieving proficiency on standardized reading assessments across grades with correlations ranging from 0.3 to 0.7.
Significant effects on performance
Classrooms using Core5 saw statistically significant effects compared to alternative forms of classroom instruction with effect sizes ranging from 0.06 to 0.53.
Reading gains realized in varying implementation lengths
Core5 contributed to reading gains in studies lasting one year and multiple school years, as well as half-year studies and intensive summer programs.

Effective for all students
Core5 is proven to help all students learn regardless of their race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disability status, type of school attended, level of risk for reading difficulties, or whether they are Emergent Bilinguals.
Differentiated instruction benefited students
Students with varying reading profiles benefited from differentiated instruction in Core5.
Endorsed By Teachers
Ninety-four percent say Core5 helps them more efficiently evaluate their students' needs.
PowerUp Body of Evidence
Exponential Student Growth
Lexia® PowerUp Literacy® helps accelerate literacy gains for students in grades 6-12 who are at risk of not meeting College- and Career-Ready Standards. Shown to be up to five times as effective as the average middle school reading intervention, PowerUp enables students to make multiple years of growth in a single academic year.
Across multiple studies, we found:
Progress correlates to assessment proficiency
Research shows strong associations between progress in PowerUp and achieving proficiency on standardized reading assessments with correlations ranging from 0.56 to 0.76.
Improved student performance
PowerUp use had a greater impact on student performance than alternative forms of instruction with statistically significant effect sizes ranging from 0.36 to 0.78.

All students using PowerUp had positive results
PowerUp is proven to help all students using it learn regardless of their race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disability status, type of school attended, level of risk for reading difficulties, or whether they are Emergent Bilinguals.
Endorsed By Teachers
Seventy-four percent of teachers believe PowerUp has helped them more efficiently support student needs and learning.
Lexia English Body of Evidence
Robust Student Impact
Lexia® English is an adaptive blended learning program that supports Emergent Bilinguals' acquisition of the English language through academic conversations. Aligned to multiple state English language development standards, the program integrates speaking, listening, and grammar in the subjects of math, science, social studies, general knowledge, and biographies.
Across multiple studies, we found:
Strongly aligned to English language instruction
The contents of Lexia English coincide with 94% to 100% of the features identified in established standards of English language instruction.
Improved student performance
Emergent Bilinguals who used Lexia English outscored non-users on state assessments of language skills with statistically significant effect sizes ranging from .20 to .40.

Positive effect on oral language
As a group, students using Lexia English saw positive outcomes on state assessments in the oral language domain.
Effective regardless of home language
Lexia English was effective for a wide range of Emergent Bilingual K-6 students with a diverse set of home languages.
LETRS Body Of Evidence
Deep Expertise for Educators
The LETRS® (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) Suite consists of professional learning experiences that provide educators and administrators with deep knowledge to be literacy and language experts in the science of reading.
Results from several evaluations of LETRS show:
Improved teacher knowledge and practice
Teachers who completed LETRS training demonstrated higher levels of knowledge and improved levels of instructional practice across a variety of objective and self-rated measures.
Positive student outcomes
LETRS is often implemented with other educational interventions, like Core5 and other student products based on the science of reading, to positively influence student outcomes.

Outcomes linked to implementation level
Researchers most often observed positive teacher outcomes in studies with moderate to high LETRS implementation.
Greater student engagement
Classrooms with teachers who participated in LETRS professional learning had greater student engagement than classrooms without LETRS.
Additional Research Resources
Efficacy Standards
We continually evaluate the efficacy of our products to ensure they have the greatest possible impact on student learning. We are committed to a program of research that helps us meet the shifting needs of a dynamic industry.
Pandemic Recovery
Lexia conducted studies during the pandemic to assess how its programs mitigate the deep impact of interrupted learning and significantly accelerate literacy gains.
ESSA Evidence
Meeting federal standards under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a key criteria for evaluating new products and solutions for districts and schools, particularly to obtain ESSER funding.
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