Your schools are committed to excellence, data accountability, and innovation and require a flexible learning model. Lexia's literacy portfolio of professional development and curriculum products provides technology-enabled solutions that flex to meet the unique demands of charter school organizations.
Maura Bennett, Teacher, Remedial Reading, Boston Collegiate Charter School
The Challenge

Science of Reading in Charter Schools & Networks
Lexia® and charter schools share a common mission. Together, we’re leveraging the science of reading to create equitable literacy learning opportunities for ALL students. We gathered with literacy leaders and advocates from charter schools and networks across the country to discuss the equity imperative of science of reading-based instruction.
Watch this video to hear more about this powerful collaboration and learn how partnering with Lexia to embrace the science of reading can advance your charter school's literacy goals.

Flexible solutions
Meet students where they are while empowering teachers to accelerate literacy gains for every student. Firmly grounded in the science of reading and Structured Literacy, Lexia's products empower teachers with the knowledge and strategies they need to improve all student reading outcomes.
Learn more about our suite of student and educator learning programs.

Innovative literacy learning
Innovative, results-minded, and mission-driven? Lexia is, too. Discover how our science of reading portfolio can support the literacy goals of your charter mission.

What worked for this charter school?
Claire Krock, assistant principal at Peabody Charter School in California, can attest to the positive effects LETRS® professional learning has had on her school.
"The impact of LETRS on our school has been amazing. There is a real feeling of excitement and engagement on campus, and this is really what professional development is supposed to feel like–where everyone is engaged," she said.

Here's the evidence: Lexia boosts charter school success
Lexia's proven instructional model has helped charter school students across the nation make massive gains in their literacy skills. The percentage of charter school students working at or above grade level greatly increased from 39% to 82% with Lexia.
Nearly half of charter school students reached their grade-level benchmark in Lexia® Core5® Reading by the end of the school year. Read more about how Lexia supports charter school students.

How a research-proven reading program led to charter school growth
Cookie cutter doesn't cut it. Principal Alexandra Prieto of Somerset Academy Miramar, Broward County Public Charter Schools, Florida, understands every student is unique and requires an individualized approach to learning. As leader of a school with many Emergent Bilinguals, she found the technology-based literacy program her school was using failed to meet the diverse needs of her students.
When she switched to Core5, she found its progress-monitoring data allowed teachers to remain up to date with their students' strengths and weaknesses, and the students found the program fun and engaging.
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Proven by Users
100% Trained: How a Successful Implementation Brought the Science of Reading to Secondary Schools
When Tiffany Goodman started at Friendship Public Charter Schools in 2023, in the aftermath of the pandemic, the majority of middle and high school students were reading below grade level. Discover her robust plan to make a difference.
“Lexia Aspire is a comprehensive and robust professional development that directly aligns with FPCS’s goal: 100% of teachers trained in SoR literacy strategies.”
Tiffany Goodman, Director of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Friendship Public Charter Schools
Proven by Users
Strong Leadership Drives Student Literacy Gains
When Principal Talya Taylor of Clay Charter Academy realized 49% of her school's students were reading below grade level, she was determined to help. As a literacy expert, she knew Lexia® Core5® Reading was the right choice for her school due to its scope and explicit instruction.
In only six months, the percentage of students working in or above grade level in Core5 increased dramatically from 40% to 82%.
Proven by Users
How Uncommon Schools Is Transforming English Language Learner Outcomes With Lexia English Language Development
Lexia English Language Development™ is making a difference for students of all grade levels. By reducing teacher preparation time and providing real-time data, Lexia English helped students at Uncommon Schools NYC make incredible progress, more than doubling the percentage of students moving up a proficiency level.
“Last year, I said yes. Press go on Lexia. And the progress was just amazing.” Dr. Jiel Joseph, Uncommon Schools