Meeting federal standards under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a key criteria for evaluating new products and solutions for districts and schools, particularly to obtain ESSER funding. Lexia has nine peer-reviewed research studies that meet the two highest standards of evidence under ESSA—Strong and Moderate. In fact, our programs have received “Strong” ratings from Evidence for ESSA at both the elementary and secondary level. A key feature of our research is we attempt to quantify the impact of Lexia programs using standardized effect sizes. Learn more about effect sizes.
Meeting ESSA Standards
Sometimes called the “Consumer Reports” of education programs, Evidence for ESSA is an independent review organization that provides authoritative information about programs that meet the ESSA evidence standards.
Both Core5® Reading® and PowerUp Literacy® have received a “Strong” rating from Evidence for ESSA. Evidence for ESSA ratings enable educators and school systems to select effective instructional tools to improve student outcomes with confidence.

Core5 has received a “Strong” rating from Evidence for ESSA. The rating means the program meets the highest standard of evidence outlined by federal law under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Evidence for ESSA also estimates Core5 has a greater impact on student reading than most other elementary literacy programs on the market, as measured by average effect sizes.
PowerUp has received a “Strong” rating from Evidence for ESSA. The rating means the program meets the highest standard of evidence outlined by federal law under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Evidence for ESSA also estimates PowerUp has a greater impact on student reading than most other secondary literacy programs on the market, as measured by average effect sizes.
ESSA Research Proven
Lexia has nine peer-reviewed research studies that meet the two highest standards of evidence under ESSA—Strong and Moderate.
Strong evidence is described as an experimental study that uses random assignment of students, classes, or schools to treatment and control groups.
Lexia has six peer-reviewed research studies in this category.
Moderate evidence is described as a quasi-experimental study with intact treatment and control groups, including virtual control groups and consecutive cohorts. Participant selection or statistical controls are used with intact groups to control for factors that might affect results.
Lexia has three peer-reviewed research studies in this category.
Promising evidence is described as a correlational study examining the relationship between program use/progress and performance on external measures with statistical controls for selection bias.
Lexia has one peer-reviewed research study in this category.
Additional Research Resources
Efficacy Standards
We continually evaluate the efficacy of our products to ensure they have the greatest possible impact on student learning. We are committed to a program of research that helps us meet the shifting needs of a dynamic industry.
Product Efficacy
We continually evaluate our product efficacy to ensure they have the greatest impact on student learning. Our commitment to research helps us meet the shifting needs of a dynamic industry.
Pandemic Recovery
Lexia conducted studies during the pandemic to assess how its programs mitigate the deep impact of interrupted learning and significantly accelerate literacy gains.
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