Impact of Lexia® Core5® Reading and Lexia® English Language Development® on Student Achievement
PURPOSE: Emergent Bilinguals account for approximately 10% of students in the United States. Federal legislation requires states to provide Emergent Bilinguals with equal educational opportunities in both academic content areas and English Language Proficiency. This study considers how well two Lexia products—Lexia® English Language Development® and Lexia® Core5® Reading—can work together to support literacy and language development in Emergent Bilinguals.
METHOD: Five school districts in California participated in this quasi-experimental study. Each district had used Core5 during prior years and used Lexia English and Core5 during the 2021-2022 school year. The first analysis compared performance on the Smarter Balanced English Language Arts (SBAC ELA) assessment for students who used Lexia English and Core5 and those who used Core5 only. The second analysis examined scores on the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) for students who used products compared to those who used Core5 only and to a third group who did not use any Lexia® products. For both sets of analyses, we statistically controlled for district, grade, prior year ELPAC scores, gender, and socioeconomic status.
- Emergent Bilinguals who used Lexia English and Core5 scored significantly higher on the SBAC ELA assessment than those who only used Core5.
- Emergent Bilinguals who used Lexia English and Core5 had significantly greater odds of attaining proficiency on the SBAC ELA assessment than those who only used Core5.
- Emergent Bilinguals who used Lexia English and Core5 scored significantly higher on the ELPAC than those who did not use any Lexia products.
- A large effect size of 0.34 was found when comparing the ELPAC scores of students who used Lexia English and Core5 and those who did not use any Lexia products.